Friday, November 30, 2012

Wind and rain, such as the art of the the Iwaki hand brush

John Gordon Gauld work, and receive a commission art studio, more than two years, has been his family and work area, the water began to penetrate under the front door.

This is the night Sandy's arrival, two hours before high tide, flooded his neighbor, Red Hook, Brooklyn. Aged 35, Gauld presented his work in a corner of his studio, located in a van Brent Street storefront block coastline. Then, he turned off the breaker and left behind his paintings.

Unclear in the end how much affected by the storm swept through the former industrial neighborhood along the Brooklyn waterfront, including the green dot, Gowanus and Red Hook, is now home to many artists' studios. More than 200 have sought relief art support group, with more than a dozen have joined together to raise funds by showing their storm damaged works.

Mr. Gauld once soaked works will be on display in Red Hook Saturday night in the flooded Art Party, exhibitions and fund-raising activities, for artists by Sandy. Watch the performances is free, the proceeds of the sale of Red Hook Initiative, the initiative has resulted in the return to work near the artist and donations.

Storm difficult in her studio at 133 Imlay Street, has been burned, the 27-year-old artist Ž Beijing Enterprises Holdings, the organizers will hold an exhibition of unusual.

"This seems to be a way to get everyone a moment, and then move on, let's go," she said.

Her own work, including flood washed a series of underwater photos, holding Ms. noticed how damaged in the Performing Arts seems creepy way.

The not burnt clay bust by sculptor Antonio Bilotta circling flood mingle. The full-color mold spores dotted with fantastic canvas by Rachel Bullock, looks like a small amount of paint. The Gauld's Stained painting the ship taken an unexpected postdiluvian bitterness.

Ms. Beijing Enterprises Holdings, said: "It really feels like a flood artistic hand. "At the very least, you have to believe what happened, in a way it was more acceptable, because at least there are beautiful things out."

In addition to Red Hook, programs, and organizations to mobilize resources on behalf of artists.

Michael Royce, executive director of the New York Foundation for the Arts, said that his organization announced last week that the artists of the emergency relief fund of more than 200 applications have been received. He expected that this figure will increase in the coming weeks "ten times".

"We really do not know to this degree, until three or four months on the road, said Mr. Rolls-Royce." Artist's survival mode now they are trying to find a new place to live, they are on the phone with their insurance company, they mourn the loss of their work. "

His research team is planning to own monthly show Sandy damaged works, as well as new creative turmoil.

Some of the hardest-hit artists have found a return to the way they work.

Ray Smith, a sculptor to participate in Saturday's exhibition, suffered severe damage to his studio in a 19th-century ice house near the Gowanus Canal. He lost more than 200 sculptures, including a series of plywood trees have been ready for the upcoming show.

Detection lose in a telephone interview from Texas, where he continued to work, Mr. Smith said he hopes the program on Saturday, because it demonstrated ingenuity and creativity in New York City arts organizations to participate.

Weeks after the storm, he carefully read the wreckage with his assistant, to try to save them.

"It's like a real-time streaming then you combat mold, dry place," Mr. Smith explained. "No one wants to here is a victim, but after a certain period of time, you kind of crashes, you're screwed."

However, he said, flooded the exhibition, artists resources, never a positive. "

Mr. Gauld, submerged painter, was busy looking for a new place to live and work. But he also agreed that, in the long run, he will find, "The difficulty is inspiration."

When he can wade the morning after the storm, he found furniture and electrical subversion floating in the muck, books, paintings, and achieve spreading related. More like the earthquake floods ratio, "he recalls.

Mr. Gauld recent spared lucky timing: Some people just being sold, the safety of others in the Chelsea gallery. However, he counted a number of missing pieces, as well as thousands of dollars in computer equipment, materials and tools used in his paintings.

Mr. Smith, he has begun to work, and focus on a new still life, combined with relics from his abuse studio. Theme, he also raised the peeling walls, including corrosion of seawater and a loss for both the 1848 book about wildflowers tools. This book, which is a part of his grandmother, has come to separate binding and mildew growth.

"Its flowers are real," Mr. Gauld said, "and survived the storm."

Medullary thyroid carcinoma FDA approval Cometriq (Cabozantinib)

A rare form of thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma, began in the cells make calcitonin, calcium levels in the hormonal regulation of the blood and bones. Occurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma with a specific gene mutation can lead to at least one type of endocrine system tumors, including thyroid cancer among people with no genetic fault, it may occur spontaneously in the family, FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

Medullary thyroid cancer can spread to the lymph nodes, lungs and bones. Current treatments include surgical removal of the thyroid, and lymph nodes in the neck.

According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute in the United States, about 56,460 people were diagnosed with thyroid cancer this year, and 1,780 are expected to die from the disease in the same period.

1 25 of thyroid cancer medullary thyroid carcinoma.

Dr. Richard Pazdur, MD, director of the Office of FDA Drug Evaluation and Research Center for Hematology and Oncology Products, said:

"Cometriq second drug approved for the treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma reflects FDA's commitment to the development and approval of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases in the past two years, today's approval, and approval of Caprelsa 2011 April, this rare patients with difficult-to-treat disease with limited treatment options. "

Cometriq submit institutions approved within six months after the review, according to the FDA's priority review process. The accelerated approval process of this type is designed for drug treatment of significant progress, or provide some sort of treatment is not enough. Cometriq is used to treat a rare disease, it also received the name of "orphan" products. "
cometriq kinase inhibitors.
Abnormal kinase protein involved in the growth and development of medullary cancer cells. cometriq kinase inhibitors. Cometriq when you should fast for at least two hours before 1 hour. The recommended dose is 140 mg orally, once daily (80 mg capsules plus three 20 mg capsules). Should not be taken food Cometriq.

FDA review of clinical trials of the safety and efficacy of Cometriq, involving 300 participants, all of them check the data with medullary thyroid carcinoma. Progression-free survival period increased significantly in the last Cometriq. In some cases, a reduction in tumor size.

Here is some data, Cometriq compared with placebo advantages:

    Those who tumor growth in Cometriq, survival of 11.2 months (average)
    No tumor growth, while the placebo group of patients survive for four months (average)
    Lasted nearly 15 months, an average of 27%, while the placebo group tumor reduction
    Participants in the placebo experienced tumor shrinkage

Cometriq contains a boxed warning to tell doctors and patients with serious and life-threatening bleeding and perforation, the risk of colon fistula.

The the of patients taking Cometriq reported side effects include: constipation, abdominal pain, worsening hypertension, high blood pressure, bad taste, loss of hair color, gray hair, oral pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, hand-foot levy (swelling of the fingers and toes), pain, redness, swelling, pain and inflammation of the mouth, and diarrhea.

Cometriq sales company Exelixis

Michael M. Morrissey, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Exelixis, said:

 "Of approved COMETRIQ patients progress, metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma, their families, and their doctors, as well as an important milestone in the company Exelixis, we are very grateful to participate in development of clinical COMETRIQ, many patients who in the MTC, we are committed as soon as possible to make this important new therapy. "

Endocrine Naguib Samaan Distinguished Professor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Steven I. Sherman, MD, explained, until the introduction of targeted therapy, not much progress has been in the treatment of advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma. He added: "We are very pleased to give these patients a new treatment method has been proved progression-free survival was significantly increased nearly three times in the clinical trials of a new treatment method to improve patient care, the potential availability of results changed the the MTC treatment of landscape, and provides a new way to control this disease patients and physicians. "

Breast cancer in South Africa is still a mystery, an urgent need for education

"This may be difficult," people in the United States or Europe to believe this, but in South Africa, millions of people have never heard of breast Noelene Kotschan of founder and CEO PinkDrive of.

Kotschan has been a speaker on breast cancer education and publicity strategy in international travel, and how these can be developed as a support to state-funded health programs in low-resource environment.

She is now calling for donations through their website, expanding the work PinkDrive in South Africa.

PinkDrive a charity partner Bidvest, December 2, official sponsor of the Nedbank Golf Challenge will end on Sunday. Through their sponsorship, the organization of their goals, in order to raise awareness, education and screening thousands of breast cancer patients each year in South Africa.

They hope to raise 100 million rand (ZAR), has received a lot of donated A roads, Bakwena N1/N4 upcoming weekend. I hope will provide more corporate donations. PinkDrive has committed to the service of the province, this region is not yet reached, they use the funds.

Breast cancer around the stigma and the mistruths, in South Africa, the spread of the disease may otherwise unattended women treated. In addition, there are around the disease, and ignorance is a comprehensive women and men do not seem to know this silent killer.

PinkDrive intend to remedy this through their education strategy, including vehicles traversing carry the publicity and education of health care workers in schools, communities and nearby hospitals and clinics. Education of workers, they also provide a clinical examination of long lines waiting for the women who scores.

PinkDrive attract people around the world through the portal on its website to pay their contributions to help expand their education team. They ask an obscure one euro to one U.S. dollar, pointing out that "one by one will win the fight against this disease, you need education more than anything else".

PinkDrive website run counter display, more than 40,000 women have been clinical examination and nearly 50,000 in the three years of education.

Only three vehicles and education team, we have been running up to now, but we feel it is necessary to expand the scope of our business, is simply too in South Africa, which is why we call on everyone to donate. "

The organization is also the coach of the health care staff, medical staff tumor clinical recovery, you can increase the local clinic breast exams.

"We are seeing women with breast cancer about 8. Many cases already in the second stage", summed Kotschan. "I am also very painful to think that, if only for education, this pain can stop."