Friday, November 30, 2012

Breast cancer in South Africa is still a mystery, an urgent need for education

"This may be difficult," people in the United States or Europe to believe this, but in South Africa, millions of people have never heard of breast Noelene Kotschan of founder and CEO PinkDrive of.

Kotschan has been a speaker on breast cancer education and publicity strategy in international travel, and how these can be developed as a support to state-funded health programs in low-resource environment.

She is now calling for donations through their website, expanding the work PinkDrive in South Africa.

PinkDrive a charity partner Bidvest, December 2, official sponsor of the Nedbank Golf Challenge will end on Sunday. Through their sponsorship, the organization of their goals, in order to raise awareness, education and screening thousands of breast cancer patients each year in South Africa.

They hope to raise 100 million rand (ZAR), has received a lot of donated A roads, Bakwena N1/N4 upcoming weekend. I hope will provide more corporate donations. PinkDrive has committed to the service of the province, this region is not yet reached, they use the funds.

Breast cancer around the stigma and the mistruths, in South Africa, the spread of the disease may otherwise unattended women treated. In addition, there are around the disease, and ignorance is a comprehensive women and men do not seem to know this silent killer.

PinkDrive intend to remedy this through their education strategy, including vehicles traversing carry the publicity and education of health care workers in schools, communities and nearby hospitals and clinics. Education of workers, they also provide a clinical examination of long lines waiting for the women who scores.

PinkDrive attract people around the world through the portal on its website to pay their contributions to help expand their education team. They ask an obscure one euro to one U.S. dollar, pointing out that "one by one will win the fight against this disease, you need education more than anything else".

PinkDrive website run counter display, more than 40,000 women have been clinical examination and nearly 50,000 in the three years of education.

Only three vehicles and education team, we have been running up to now, but we feel it is necessary to expand the scope of our business, is simply too in South Africa, which is why we call on everyone to donate. "

The organization is also the coach of the health care staff, medical staff tumor clinical recovery, you can increase the local clinic breast exams.

"We are seeing women with breast cancer about 8. Many cases already in the second stage", summed Kotschan. "I am also very painful to think that, if only for education, this pain can stop."