Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Are Super Star Runners From Kenya Endowed With A Fibonacci Sequence At a Lower Leg Bone?

We've all heard about the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence, at least anyone who's ever studied mathematics or gone to college has learned of this. If you don't know much about it, I suggest you go online and look it up. Then come back to this article because I'd like to throw out a question, one which perhaps has not been proposed previously.

You see, there are many folks who will claim they have found the golden ratio in nearly everything that we can see or touch. Often they go out of their way to make a claim like this with no proof, and they fudge the numbers just to prove their point. Rather than do that, I'd like to merely ask a question, and then go have you figure it out. When I was in my younger days, I was a superstar athlete, I was a runner.

I often competed against the superstar runners from Kenya in the longer distances with occasional moderate success. It often appeared that I just did not have the genetics, or the proper body geometry to compete at their level. One thing I noticed was that their lower leg bones were longer than mine, ratio wise. Many have said that the human body follows the golden ratio. I believe this has been proven false, at least with most humans.

What if those runners from Kenya actually did have the golden ratio as part of their body geometry? Could that account for their incredible abilities as runners? It's quite obvious that weren't the same, and that they had the advantage. It's often been said that those with the longer lower legs had an advantage. It makes sense that they would.

I can tell you that when I ran on my toes while running the mile or even in a 10K, or half marathon that I could run effortlessly, and faster. By running on my toes, or rather the balls of my feet, I was extending the length of my leg, in that case by three or four inches. Would that bring me closer to the golden ratio, and was that why I could run faster and further than other runners that I competed against who did not run on their toes or balls of their feet?

Why does everyone love a woman in high heel shoes? Does it make her more appealing due to the golden ratio? Does it just seem right? It is said that art and beauty, at least as observed by the human eye and our preferences follow the golden ratio. Could there be a reason for this? Is it innate? Does the golden ratio not only have beauty and form, but also the characteristics of pure efficiency in every biological species? Please consider all this and think on it. I don't claim to be the expert, just a man with the questions, and just enough math and science knowledge to pique my curiosity.