Wednesday, December 28, 2011

10 to your diet to get more fiber

Whenever I say a word fiber, I hear moans, wheat bran, grape nuts, and chewing the bark of the story.

Not a good thing.

Unfortunately, for all of us, our bodies need fiber and I do not mean "it will be very good, but it would not be without its disastrous" approach, but need the bell, alarm will be closed, desperate need for a way.

Therefore, we need to learn how to find peace and fibers and truly fun and delicious way to incorporate them into our diet, do not spend all day on the toilet more fiber.

Because you may run the risk, if you do not think fiber consumption through.

Fair warning.

So, why is it important? Why do we need fiber? What do our bodies fiber, making this a necessity?

In short, fiber let's be honest. Whatever we put our bodies through out our body to digest, absorb and eventually eliminated. Means to eliminate the stern. If we do not have enough or any of our fiber in the diet, we do not stern, and therefore, no way intended to leave through our bodies.

This is not a good thing. Just plug the pipe, you get just the beginning of our situation, if we live in a world not enough fiber.

Fiber can also prevent high cholesterol, heart disease, digestive problems, and in some cases, colon disease. But for all of us, it encourages weight loss and stabilize blood sugar levels.

This is the point of fiber starting to look really good.

So, how to get more fiber into our diet?

Top ten ways to enter more fiber to your diet are:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Think apples, celery, broccoli for beginners

2. Beans, beans, they are good for your heart ... ... to use as a healthy high-fiber, low fat, nutrient dense dishes, rather than an ordinary white noodles beans.

3. Looking for "whole grain" foods, rather than just say bag. Read nutrition labels to ensure that the first ingredient is a whole grain

4. Gently switch from low fiber content in high fiber content. Most of the lateral displacement of the switch, such as white bread, whole wheat bread, whole piece of fruit juice, jam, jelly, butter, nuts, brown rice or red rice,

5. Fiber-rich breakfast to start your day. Oatmeal is a good choice, you can use steel-cut oatmeal, apple slices, raisins, walnuts and other fruit you like to join the advance.

6. Choose snacks, select, such as nuts, seeds, fresh or dried fruit, nut butters as the fiber of whole wheat crackers, fresh vegetables such as carrots or celery, or even trail mix, is a good choice

7. Sneaky. Add fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, cooking ingredients. Soups, stews and stir-frys great way, "I eat lots of fiber, because it is good for me, but I do not like the taste of" feeling, not included a lot of high fiber content, you enjoy

8. Start with a salad or meal. Greens is a great way to not look like the fibers in the fiber added. Add your choice of fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, seeds or nuts not only taste but also nutrition vitamins, minerals and fiber!

9. Use your whole beans or legumes is the main source of protein meal a week. With the experiment, you have love and their relationship to other components combine to make a complete meal

10. Add your fiber drink fiber-rich ingredients, your smoothie or milkshake. Think about flax seeds, Chia Tai seed, or wheat germ. Or better, but in the whole fruit, cut, and not just its juice to increase fiber added. For example, the orange, remove the skin, is very high in fiber. Orange juice, not so much.