Thursday, January 12, 2012

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Paint is usually very thick viscous drops. In order to make it evenly distributed, you need a carrier or medium. In layman's terms, paint thinner. "Solvent" is the industry term for this agent. In the early days, wax, water and lime is commonly used as a solvent in the paint. Modern water-based paint coating of water as a carrier, and petroleum engineering for the oil-based paint solvents. Pigments and binders and other ingredients as laid moratorium on such thin liquid base and assist in color mixing. This makes the paint mix evenly. Typically, thinner evaporates. In this article we will discuss various types of thinner, because it is very important to understand what's good and what is not.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of solvents: water and synthetic (mineral oil / alkyd resin):

In the early years, oil-based paints commonly used. One can easily identify the new building has been repainted was a strong smell of oil-based paints. Many people know, but these volatile organic compounds produced by the smell (VOC), mineral oil or layman's terms. The evaporation of volatile organic compounds are behind a layer of paint and adhesive stick on the wall left. These volatile organic compounds in many countries known as the hazards to human health and the environment work together to eliminate or at least reduce its concentration in the coating.

As technology continues to develop new water-based paint has been developed and spread rapidly to accept the health and environmental awareness among the population. Not surprisingly, accounting for about 80% water-based coatings for the residential market means that consumption of paint. These coatings are often referred to as acrylic emulsions. Volatile organic compounds in the modern commercial buildings of 250 mg / l of volatile organic compounds is permissible, however, become more aware of the paint manufacturers to provide even zero VOC paints.

People do not have to worry about performance when using modern water-based paints, as these are developed to a much higher than conventional oil-based paints. These coatings have excellent durability, fast drying time, little or no odor.

For a layman, he is holding to determine what kind of paint, just read the small print on the cleaning and maintenance. Oil-based paint requires turpentine to clean wine stains or stains, and water-based paints require a simple warm water and soap cleaning brush. An interesting question, to note that even these industrial chemicals, can cause nausea, if a person exposed to smoke for some time! In addition, most of the highly volatile and flammable cleaners. More reason to choose water-based paint, painting your house.