Monday, January 30, 2012

Product and Enterprise institution-the fight to continue indefinitely

Institutionalization of the products or services are those determined by the market, has become in the community or a permanent feature in the community. Therefore, companies are institutionalized. However, to achieve the institutionalization of the product and the state enterprise, needs an effective management team that can provide the right product or service into the best market.

Thomas Edison once said, he did not fail, but detected the approach did not work. He also said he did not want to invent anything, do not sell, because the practical proof of sales, and utility is success.

Upward mobility of entrepreneurs starting innovative ideas into business products and / or services, the attractiveness of the market at large. One reason for doing so is to create wealth. Another reason is to make a statement of the creation of products and / or services, providing value and the difference in the market. However, another reason is to make a contribution to society, and leaving an inheritance, whether for themselves or their wealth.

High-tech enterprises usually move up. This is because, products, markets and infrastructure development, funding requirements, need to have enough critical mass to generate investment returns of large markets. It is difficult to produce an upward movement of the enterprises in emerging markets and growth stage of basic income, unless the idea is so compelling that it can attract capital to fuel growth, early.

In the long term, upward mobility, enterprises can have a significant supplier of energy, such as Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell, showing the wealth. However, they have proven Chrysler, Ford and General Motors in the automotive industry recession. Coca-Cola, is a huge brand equity to move up the business.

Some of the upward mobility of the companies are unable to reach a large market, but by default, become a way of life in the reduced form of the enterprise.

Many lifestyle entrepreneurs and business owners to start or acquire to provide a basic income to maintain themselves. This is a dangerous practice, unless the owners of the customer's wants and needs ahead of their own, and have sufficient working capital to survive, until corporate profits, if at all. These companies found on the street auto body repair shops, gas stations, restaurants, retail shops, and service providers. Albertsons, Kroger, Macy's, Marriott, Walgreens and Wal-Mart and many other famous names start lifestyle businesses.

Unattractive products and / or services business empire, is a waste of capital, is the hope of building enterprise - it needs a compelling value proposition, in order to achieve the institutionalization of products and companies, although the convenience and service quality will also be different.

A lifestyle business, you can migrate to an upward movement of the enterprise, if its products and / or services in multiple markets. Franchising provides a way of life transformed into a corporate copy upward principle of mobile applications, so that the way in a number of market expansion. KFC, Holiday Inn and McDonald's to achieve such multiple markets.

Whatever the method, set up the efforts of entrepreneurs and property owners to see their products and / or services business to become a permanent feature of society, and make their return on investment of time and money. Ideally, enterprises will be sustainable over time. Unlimited long-lasting persistent conditions, but not necessarily forever.

Products and / or services to become institutionalized over time, if a customer uses in the market, use, and called upon them to rely on a continuing basis, to promote their place in society or in the community. If the products and / or services to become institutionalized, their production and sale of the business, too institutionalized. If not, products and / or services companies will eventually blend into the background. For example, Campbell's products, Colgate, Heinz, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and Unilever institutionalization, is the enterprise itself.

If the products and / or services resulting from the shift assumptions, concepts, practices, and values, a significant change in a long time through the promotional activities may be necessary to achieve widespread adoption. Many high-tech products and / or services, such as automatic teller machines, mobile phones, portable digital assistant, radio and television, resulting in a paradigm shift, but too long.

Successful products and / or services the needs of institutional and market demand. Product and enterprise system is not accidental. It requires an effective management team to develop the right people, processes, and product and / or services are ready, willing to know, and be able to purchase large markets.

Established entrepreneurs and owners may be able to translate into products and / or services, income and value added an innovative idea. They may not have the leadership and management capabilities, to attract employees, customers, suppliers and investors, the institutionalization of handling constituency can occur, or through the design process to provide consistent results.

Institutionalization began plans and policies. Required to attract the right group expectations, inspiring, and encouraging communication, entertainment, inform, persuade and convince. Deliverables, need to organize, implement, evaluate and adjust resources and performance-based measures that can capture the feedback from the constituency activities. Both new products and / or services and how to respond to business needs to adapt to the market. Adjust and adapt to the norms related to the functions and features. As the products and / or services through its life cycle migration, will need to be strengthened and maintained, in order to optimize the value of the opportunity. Ideas and entrepreneurs to adapt to market the intersection between the response. Because of its life cycle, internal entrepreneurship, leadership and management capacity of enterprises through the migration, you need to balance the new innovation and improvement.

In this way, institutionalization can occur regardless of whether entrepreneurs or established owners to stay or leave. Sometimes an entrepreneur needs a new role as chief technology officer, if the new management team on board. Sometimes established lifestyles, business owners, sales experienced operators, able to adapt to a traction a fledgling enterprise. In this case, the founder of a new owner may become an employee.

Surround yourself with others, the collective enterpriship (entrepreneurship, leadership and management) capabilities, products and / or services, the institutionalization of the enterprise itself, take advantage of people, processes, products and / or entrepreneurs and owners must willing, service capabilities.

Products and businesses to achieve the institutionalization of a enterpriship capacity.