Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Five Methods, Avoid From On-line Check Account Household Overdrawing The Expense

With costs rising and banks are increasingly stringent budget, it more than ever important to carefully monitor your checking account. A single overdraft fee can destroy your monthly spending plan, leaving you to pay your bills in cash less. Although the online checking account provides a simple way to manage your money, it is still up to you to spend consciously. Here are five steps you can take to avoid overdraft fees and keep more money.

1. Use of overdraft protection services

There is no doubt, overdraft protection services, in order to prevent themselves the heavy cost of one of the best ways. In general, overdraft protection linked to your main program, such as savings Ji Jinka or credit card, checking account to another account. When your main account, the money deducted from your balance to buy or secondary account will be charged. Banks will not give you an overdraft fee, you can still make your purchase.

2. Checking account balance online

You can also regularly check your account balance to avoid overdraft fees. Online checking accounts are especially popular because they allow you to track throughout the day, spending anywhere in the world. When you think you might be closer to the bottom of your account, to determine, before spending your available balance. If your account is almost empty, you can simply wait, make your purchase. You can also transfer funds or overdraft protection services, in order to avoid charges.

3. Track your daily spending

If you can not check your online account, when you go shopping or run errands, you should make sure you go to track your spending. During the day to keep track of your purchases and any manually from your total balance is deducted. Some people use a checkbook register to balance their accounts, and other mobile applications through the procurement record. As long as you know how much you spend, you can use these methods to track your finances and avoid overdraft fees.

4. Maintain the buffer in your account

Despite our best efforts, you still may lead to an accidental overdraft fee. However, you can keep your account in a small buffer to protect themselves spending too much. You do not need a large buffer, you can keep an extra $ 100 in your account and resolve, and never let your balance drop below this amount greatly benefit. If you mistakenly spend too much buffer to protect you and you will not receive any overdraft fees.

5. Observation overdraft notice

Finally, it is important to maintain eye overdraft notice, so you will not receive follow-up costs. Many people at the same time receive more than one overdraft fee because they do not realize they have overdrawn their accounts have been a few small purchases. Online checking account, you will receive quicker notification of overdraft fees. This allows you to adjust your spending and avoid additional costs, before too late.