Thursday, July 21, 2011

DUI Attorney Philadelphia Will Help You Out In Any Criminal Case

It has very many names, but generally Driving Under the Influence, Drunk Driving, Driving While Intoxicated is a very serious matter. State law varies as does the name of the offense. However, the common factor is that it is a serious offence and is obviously against the law. DUI can seriously injure or kill. In Pennsylvania there are some very common questions regarding this situation and any specialist attorney in this field will be able to answer them.

"How serious is it?" Hundreds of Pennsylvanians are killed each year due to DUI and although most of these deaths are of the intoxicated driver, unfortunately many involve the death of an innocent party- someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the driver decided to drive whilst intoxicated. As well as the physical injuries that occur from an accident while DUI, there are often serious mental and emotional issues as a result and many victims never fully recover from these.

"What can it effect?" In Pennsylvania, being convicted of a DUI can have much more of an effect than just your driving license.For example it can actually effect your rights and privilege to go hunting and buying any kind of firearm, which is a right under the constitution. Also, you will find that you will be unable legally to actually carry a firearm and obviously it will effect your car insurance as well as your privilege to drive or hire any motor vehicle.

"Which is the safest liquor to drink to excess?" - well, let's just say, none of them.If you must drink to excess, leave the car and your car keys at home. There is no risk of you being convicted of a DUI this way. Different types of drink contain differing levels of alcohol (also known as "proof" - the higher the proof, the more alcohol in it). Hard liquor is a higher proof than wine or beer, meaning it wont take as much to get you intoxicated.

"Is imprisonment the only sentence?" Fortunately, no. However as it is a serious offence there will be penalties. A judge hearing your case may decide there were mitigating circumstances and give you an alternative penalty.It depends on the seriousness of the offence. If you have injured or killed someone or it is NOT your first time then you may not be so fortunate. If you are given an alternative it is likely to be a rehabilitation program, but this will result in a shorter licence suspension period.

"Should I get an attorney if charged with DUI?" In Pennsylvania you are required to hire an attorney for this charge and you would be best to get one as soon as possible after being charged. This is very important as the state laws for DUI are very strictly enforced. A good Philadelphia DUI attorney may well be your only chance of avoiding or reducing any penalties or jail time you may be looking at.

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