Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Keep Working Out or You Will Get Fat

They say it takes four weeks to develop an action into a habit. That seems to be true for working out. It takes a long time for working out to develop into a habit, but it only takes a couple of days of not working out to make not working out the new habit!

Finding the motivation to workout on a regular basis is a very difficult thing. It is often easy to set a specific goal, such as to lose ten pounds or to fit into last years bathing suit. Once those goals are reached, maintaining the momentum to keep working out can be hard. You know that in order to gain the benefits of exercise, you need to exercise consistently. But how do people maintain the motivation?

One good way to maintain motivation is to find yourself an exercise buddy. It seems like such a simple idea, but if you find someone who will commit to working out with you on a regular basis, you will find yourself less and less likely to skip a workout. When looking for someone to work out with, be careful to find someone who shares your fitness goals, but more importantly, find someone who is at your fitness level. There is nothing more discouraging when you are working out than to be working out with someone who can run circles around you, while you are huffing and puffing. Find someone who shares a similar schedule. Often, stay at home moms will work out together because they fit their workouts in while their kids are in school. Men tend to have workout buddies they can meet in the gym after work or on the weekends. And lastly, when looking for a workout buddy, find someone who shares your motivation level. You dont want to constantly be the cheerleader in your group, always encouraging your buddy to keep up with the workout schedule. Ideally, you will find a buddy who will balance you. When you dont want to work out, she will and vice versa. Having someone who doesnt easily let you off the hook will make working out more of a reality.

Another way to maintain your workout is to learn something new. Buy a new exercise DVD and learn a new routine. Find one that focuses on a certain body part that has been bothering you, such as an ab workout. Change your routine to incorporate the new DVD until you are familiar with it enough to know exactly whats coming up next. Then change it out for a different DVD. Swap DVDs with friends and colleagues. And do not be afraid to solicit advice about exercise DVDs from friends.

Vary your workout during the seasons. Many people dont like to exercise outside when it is too cold or too hot, so in the spring and fall, add a long walk into your exercise routine. If you have access to a pool in the summer, swim some laps. Join a cycling group or club and incorporate cycling into your workout.

Finding the motivation to stay engaged in your workout and exercise routine can be tough. Do not be afraid to vary your routine and to constantly be looking for new ways to challenge yourself.

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