Monday, July 18, 2011

Following Guidelines For Correct Pond Treatment

A pond in one's yard can be a thing of beauty that adds to the all over enhancement of its surroundings. When placed artistically among plants and shrubbery it can give one the feeling of being in a beautiful location deep in a cool, green wooded area. Just sitting on one's patio enables a view of the surroundings that brings peace and contentment. To maintain this atmosphere there a certain Pond treatment is required.

The pond can be of an unusual shape and beautifully surrounded by plants and other adornment but can change from something to admire to something to dread. There is nothing worse than having a pond with green, slimy algae on the surface. This algae, if left unattended, will kill any fish in a pond and start smelling as well.

Keeping the water clean and moving is primary to maintaining a pond. As a rule, this can be done with a proper pump and filtering system. However, these need to be put in at the time of construction, not later after the damage has already started.

Having the correct pump size for the pond is paramount and it concerns several issues. Such a thing as the amount of water flow needed at the discharge part of the pond, calculating the distance the water must travel and choosing the right pump size all enter into the mix. By consulting with someone who is an expert in the field they will usually answer any questions one has.

If the proper equipment was not installed and a problem develops then it calls for treating the water. This can go from using chemicals to emptying the pond completely, removing any plants or other debris and scrubbing it thoroughly, usually with a product made for this problem. Sometimes there is a real loss if Koi or expensive marine plants are involved. The pond should be treated and allowed to dry out for several days before returning water.

If one wishes to treat water while it is in the pond there are a number of treatments available. One of the most popular is a microbial based product which restores the ecological equilibrium in a pond. It breaks down the excess nutrients that can accumulate in a pond and returns it to a normal state.

These nutrients include cellulose, lignin, hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants. It is said to improve water clarity, reduce organic sediment and suspended matter as well as reduce foul odors and enhance the quality of the water. A product of this kind can contain 58 strains of beneficial microorganisms and works at a very low oxygen level. It will function in cold, cool or warm water.

Applying the correct Pond treatment will keep one's pool in tip top condition and make it a pleasure to behold. Having a pond with beautiful marine plants and large Koi swimming about is something to enjoy. This is possible when one builds and equips their pond correctly and uses the correct Pond treatment methods when needed.

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